This one was done by Bradley Proctor during a tutorial I did with him. Time: 20 Minutes Brad has mastered Inkscape Basics. To download the svg file right click and hit save as squidoo.svg
There are a lot of times when we run into an artist block and the best way I found to get out of this is by reusing the same shape and see what you can come up with. Here are some for example. To download the svg file, right click then hit save link as: shapes.svg
I miss those good old Gameboy color days with Dragon Warriors so decided to do this one. Here is slime. If you would like to study the drawing feel free to download the Inkscape SVG file. Right click then hit save link as: slime.svg All rights reserve to the original artists.
If you haven't notice already, the previews I typically put on looks horrible. Thats because Inkscape can not render an image with filters and blurs. However if you import it using the GIMP or an equivalent that should solve the problem.
Estimated time: 3 Hours If you guessed Vector your right! Here is the svg file for all you guys who wants to examine and use this soda can. Right click then hit save link as: soda_can.svg
While I was at work creating a tutorial for making nice website buttons I got carried away and made a full blown website mock up. To see the mock up click here